Coaching Certification
Journey is DONE! 🎉

6 months in ... our coaching certification journey is DONE! 🎉
It's been a beautiful chapter of growth, learning, courage, and vulnerability.
Most importantly, I got to build and nurture 9 beautiful relationships.
Christina Figiel, Riitta Schäublin, Johann George, Abdelrahman M. Armouti, Liz Siddle, Yaping Wang, Siyavash (Sia) Fooladian, MD, MPH - you guys rock!
Witnessing each one of you on your own journeys is so empowering and inspiring.
Special mention to our wonderful pod leader, Alberto Polloni, for showing and teaching us the true power of coaching.
Also, thank you Co-Active Training Institute for facilitating all of this in a seamless way.
And now, transformation awaits ... are you ready? 😉