13 February, 2024

From 'I Hate My Life!'
to 'I'm Obsessed!'

From 'I Hate My Life!' to 'I'm Obsessed!', where would you place yourself at work today?

In my 6-year strategy consulting career, I've definitely had a few encounters with 'I Hate My Life!'.

Most of the time, I was swinging between 'It's Not Bad!' and 'It's Cool!'.

But I never knew what 'I'm Obsessed!' felt like - up until a year ago.

Let me explain.

Work satisfaction is a result of many factors, and the 2 most important ones are the Roles you play at work and the Content you deal with.

Putting these in a matrix of work satisfaction, we get 4 possible outcomes (see below):

1) I Hate My Life!

I was once in a process improvement project, doing meetings all day long and doing process slides.

Boring content, and my role was 'Process Guy' ... Yuck!

2) It's Not Bad!

On some days, I was working on futuristic projects like self-driving taxis.
Still, I was spending most of my time researching and doing financial models.

Activities I don't really enjoy doing ... Not bad!

3) It's Actually Cool!

I've only had a taste of this when I was managing projects.

Still dealing with boring content - logistics and container ships...
But the difference here: no research, no modelling, no manual work.

I was managing people, growing them, presenting - activites and roles I love doing and that come to me naturally ... Actually cool!

4) I'm Obsessed!

Never knew this feeling in consulting, only discovered it in my current role as career coach.

I'm working on super exciting content (like writing this post and doing this slide).

And most importantly, I'm playing roles that I love, such as teaching, coaching, and empowering others.

I thought this place was only reserved for the stars of this world - professional athletes, artists, and lab scientists.

But now that I'm here, I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled high-performers get to this place in the shortest time possible.

Wana feel obsessed about your work? Reach out and let's chat!
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