Who Am I

Hey, I'm Majid. I'm an ex-strategy consultant turned career coach, entrepreneur, and occasional digital nomad.

My mission is helping unfulfilled corporate achievers find their true path, courage, and inner confidence - in weeks not years - so they can finally step into their light.

This page is a little bit about my journey. I hope it resonates with you and inspires you on your path 😁

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Quick Facts About Me

  • I started a YouTube channel in 2023 where I post videos about career change & fulfilment at work
  • I speak 4 languages: English, French, Arabic and Spanish
  • I’ve read 50+ personal development books, 10 of which about career change
  • I love adventure travel, photography and backpacking - my latest trip was 5 months in South America in 2023
  • Mountains over beaches … any day
  • Huge cold showers fan, they changed my life!
  • My 3 role-models: Tim Ferriss, Naval Ravikant, Mike Boyd
  • Huge Liverpool FC fan
  • Burgers, Lebanese and Japanese food for the win 
  • Big gamer at heart and always will be 

From Consultant to Coach

Flashback to 2020.

I was in strategy consulting in Dubai, making good money, getting promotions, and living the fancy life.

From the outside, highly successful.

From the inside, deeply unfulfilled.

And then the pandemic hit, I found myself on calls for 12 hours a day feeling empty inside, extremely demotivated, finding no meaning in the impact of my work and just feeling stuck overall.

My productivity, performance, and work satisfaction tanked.

Now you can call it an existential crisis, a burnout, whatever you want. It hit hard!

So I started asking questions:

What do I want to do with my life?

What's my next career move?

Why should I do this? Why should I do that?

Having zero answers, I took a 6-month sabbatical and went into exploration mode.

And because I didn't have any clarity or guidance, I just did anything and everything in a quest to find myself.

I played around with a few a business ideas and investments ... even launched an online clothing store - big failures, huge learnings!

With every step and misstep, things were getting clearer for me, and then it all clicked into place when I stumbled into coaching.

After my first session (as a client), I had so much clarity over what's important to me and which direction I wanted to take.

I had to give this feeling to everyone!

Coming out of that 6-month journey, a pivotal question popped in my mind: 

'How can I help others find their true calling in the shortest time possible, with the least amount of effort?'

Fast-forward to today, that's what I do on a daily basis.

I help unfulfilled corporate achievers find more than just success in their work. 

I help them find career clarity, courage and inner confidence - all in a just a few weeks.

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  • 1993


    I was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. During my school years, I got my first taste in entrepreneurship through 2 small ventures. The first was selling rare sweets that weren’t easily found in Lebanon to students during school breaks. The second was shipping products from the US to Lebanon to students as well. 
  • 2011


    After finishing school, I studied Business in the American University of Beirut (AUB) - studied as in partied and had lots of fun 😁. When I graduated, I worked as an Associate for PwC in Beirut for a bit more than a year. Boring!
  • 2016


    Moved to Dubai and joined strategy consulting firm Arthur D. Little (ADL). During my 6 years with the company, I grew from analyst to manager, worked on super cool projects including self-driving taxis and smart cities. I also lived in Brussels during a 6-month exchange program. 
  • 2022


    After closing my chapter in consulting, I travelled for 5 months in South America, then completed my coaching training certification with CTI - the most prestigious coaching school globally. Since then, I've been working with amazing clients by helping them find career clarity, courage, and inner confidence - so they can finally step into their light. 
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  • 1993


    I was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. During my school years, I got my first taste in entrepreneurship through 2 small ventures. The first was selling rare sweets that weren’t easily found in Lebanon to students during school breaks. The second was shipping products from the US to Lebanon to students as well. 
  • 2011


    After finishing school, I studied Business in the American University of Beirut (AUB) - studied as in partied and had lots of fun 😁. When I graduated, I worked as an Associate for PwC in Beirut for a bit more than a year. Boring!
  • 2016


    Moved to Dubai and joined strategy consulting firm Arthur D. Little (ADL). During my 6 years with the company, I grew from analyst to manager, worked on super cool projects including self-driving taxis and smart cities. I also lived in Brussels during a 6-month exchange program. 
  • 2022


    After closing my chapter in consulting, I travelled for 5 months in South America, then completed my coaching training certification with CTI - the most prestigious coaching school globally. Since then, I've been working with amazing clients by helping them find career clarity, courage, and inner confidence - so they can finally step into their light. 
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  • 1993


    I was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. During my school years, I got my first taste in entrepreneurship through 2 small ventures. The first was selling rare sweets that weren’t easily found in Lebanon to students during school breaks. The second was shipping products from the US to Lebanon to students as well. 
  • 2011


    After finishing school, I studied Business in the American University of Beirut (AUB) - studied as in partied and had lots of fun 😁. When I graduated, I worked as an Associate for PwC in Beirut for a bit more than a year. Boring!
  • 2016


    Moved to Dubai and joined strategy consulting firm Arthur D. Little (ADL). During my 6 years with the company, I grew from analyst to manager, worked on super cool projects including self-driving taxis and smart cities. I also lived in Brussels during a 6-month exchange program. 
  • 2022


    After closing my chapter in consulting, I travelled for 5 months in South America, then completed my coaching training certification with CTI - the most prestigious coaching school globally. Since then, I've been working with amazing clients by helping them find career clarity, courage, and inner confidence - so they can finally step into their light. 
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